Let's build an educated world!
Greetings. We are pleased you have visited our site today. Over the next several months, we will be adding functionality and content to support our mission of building an educated world. We know that the tools and information are available to 50% of the world through the use of the Internet. The purpose of our site is to integrate and organize the vast mountain of information associated with education and present this information in a way that makes it useful for both students and teachers from anywhere in the world.
Our team of professional educators are scanning the Internet and identifying hundreds of useful web sites and web pages. With our partnership with Google Search, we have provided a fast and accurate search tool that returns only the exact web pages and sites that we have identified.
We are also developing a knowledge tree taxonomy that will allow anyone to quickly understand the location of any educational topic within the correct context. This Educational KnowledgeBase "toolset" provides quick answers to questions and will grow in accuracy over time.
Greetings. We are pleased you have visited our site today. Over the next several months, we will be adding functionality and content to support our mission of building an educated world. We know that the tools and information are available to 50% of the world through the use of the Internet. The purpose of our site is to integrate and organize the vast mountain of information associated with education and present this information in a way that makes it useful for both students and teachers from anywhere in the world.
Our team of professional educators are scanning the Internet and identifying hundreds of useful web sites and web pages. With our partnership with Google Search, we have provided a fast and accurate search tool that returns only the exact web pages and sites that we have identified.
We are also developing a knowledge tree taxonomy that will allow anyone to quickly understand the location of any educational topic within the correct context. This Educational KnowledgeBase "toolset" provides quick answers to questions and will grow in accuracy over time.